SUNY/ CUNY Southeast Asia Alumni Network

Southeast Asia Consortium (SEAC) aims to connect and strengthen our networks in Southeast Asia to foster collaboration among alumni. Help us expand our network by being part of the SEAC community.

Access the alumni form here.

We aim to build a community of SUNY and CUNY alumni in Southeast Asia – and we hope you will be part of it! We would love for our alumni in the region to be able to help current students find their footing if they come for a study-abroad program or dissertation fieldwork, connect with faculty in town for research, advise students or graduates who are applying for internships or pursuing careers in Southeast Asia, and more. For those in academia in the region, we hope you might consider partnering with colleagues back in New York for COIL classes or other collaborations. We aspire for this network to take on a life of its own, to connect Southeast Asia-based alumni from across CUNY and SUNY for social events – with or without an academic focus – and other initiatives.

There is a LinkedIn group where we share events, opportunities, and news with our alumni community. Access to the group here.

To learn more about SEAC and to receive updates on our activities, please subscribe to our newsletter. We welcome your ideas, too, for what more we might do to bring this network to life!

Please email Meredith Weiss with feedback or suggestions.

Forward this form to other CUNY or SUNY alumni you know in Southeast Asia or who might be interested in our SUNY/CUNY SEAC!